Thursday, December 03, 2009

AmerenUE Unveils New Tree Trimming Concept

AmerenUE has introduced their latest concept in tree trimming. Called "Hack 'n Strip", the design is intended to eliminate any and all danger of power outage from heavy snowfall. The above pictured trees in St. Louis County obviously are now in no danger of downing powerlines. They also are in no danger of looking beautiful, providing shade, enhancing property values. Although the tree hackers, employed by AmerenUE, were asked to be careful about denuding the trees, they said they "were just doing our job." This design, which was created by the firm of Dewey, Hackum and Howe, was recently awarded the 2009 Brazilian RainForest Wide-Swath commendation for Residential Ugliness. From a historical perspective, the trees are, in effect, innocent bystanders. Only one problem due to snow occurred in the past twenty years. The operative guidelines here seem to be "Better safe than sorry," "More is more," and "Flowers are for beauty, trees are for chopping." (Photos above: left, work in progress; right, the finished product of "Hack 'n Strip.")

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